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WARNING: What you're about to read is going to go against everything you've ever read or seen about fashion in magazines, on TV, and online

Hey guys!

So, this is the first post on my new site and since I started this blog literally 2 days ago and have zero outfit pictures ready (#killinit), I figured I would create a post kind of introducing my blog and an important message that I really hope to drive home to people before I do anything else.

I know the title of this post might be a little confusing since this is, technically, a fashion blog, but I think this is a really important thing to talk about.

I see it all the time on other fashion blogs, magazines, and even Pinterest... phrases like, "What NOT to wear this Summer" or "Top 3 Rules When Styling Ripped Jeans". There's nothing inherently wrong with these phrases, but when I read posts like these, I can't help but laugh at these fashion "rules" because 99% of the time, they're absolutely ridiculous.

What I'm about to write next is going to go against everything you've ever read or seen about fashion in magazines, on TV, and online:


There, I said it. There are no rules, despite what everyone else is telling you. I know you might be thinking, "But there are rules! You can't go around telling people that they can wear whatever they want!" And I'm here to tell you that yes I can, and yes I absolutely will. I remember when pairing two different patterns together was a major 'don't', until someone did it and made it look good af, and all of a sudden everyone was pairing mismatched patterns together. I think we should encourage people to stay true to their own unique styles and do whatever makes them feel confident.

I want to drive home the message that my posts are here purely for the inspiration. I'm not here to tell you what you can and cannot do. I might write things like, "(blank) is super trendy right now" or "pastel colors look best with (blank)" but it's definitely not a rule and you can honestly wear whatever the heck you want. You don't need anyone's permission to wear a certain color or wear a crop top even if you don't have a flat stomach.

It doesn't matter what you look like or how much money you have (a huge reason why my blog is about being budget friendly). It's not about being #trendy or sticking to a certain style or following rules. It's about being YOU and whatever that means for you that day.

Alright, well, thanks for reading my little mini rant and I promise next week's post will have an actual outfit in it haha. Stay tuned next week for some effortless, boho, & cheap af summer outfit ideas, and make sure you subscribe and become one of my little hobos so you don't accidentally miss it. :)

Okay bye!

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